Human vs AI

Nanette Kwong
February 9, 2023

ChatGPT has only been launched for about 3 months and it is the most talked about topic in any conversation remotely related to technology. Whatever profession you may be in, it is easy to see the benefits this chat machine can bring. The favourite phrase “google it” may soon become “go chat”.

ChatGPT has only been launched for about 3 months and it is the most talked about topic in any conversation remotely related to technology. Whatever profession you may be in, it is easy to see the benefits this chat machine can bring. The favourite phrase “google it” may soon become “go chat”.

No human is perfect, and of course neither is a robot. There are valid concerns about the misuse of ChatGPT to write assignments for students, or helping students to cheat in an examination. Strictly speaking the fault does not lie on the AI, but squarely on the shoulders on those who cheat. In any event it is a loophole that needs to be remedied, and a solution has apparently been found. A 22 year-old Canadian has come up with an app called GPTZero that can spot written work generated by AI. Here is an interview which CBC has conducted with Edward Tian who created the app.

So the solution to the prevention of human cheating aided by AI is another AI solution. A neat idea!

However, ChatGPT and its colleagues, human or otherwise, are facing more challenges on the way. The EU seems determined to put up some road blocks for AI development, citing concerns for fraud, plagiarism and misinformation. Brussels are formulating new AI rules to tackle these risks. Reuters has reported that AI developers are expecting a slowdown in development with tougher AI rules in place.

We do not yet know what these AI rules might say. Let’s hope that common sense prevails and new regulation is not put in place to stop technology that can benefit humankind. Any invention can be misused and there is always a small minority of people in society who would exploit any situation. Fraud, plagiarism and misinformation have existed long before AI was invented. Instead of hindering technological advancement, safeguards can be put in place to prevent the wrongful use of technology. This can be done with the use of technology as the GPTZero example has demonstrated. A good functioning system is one that can deter abuse and not hamper development for the common good.